What will your sharpening cost? See below. Sharpening prices given are for normal dull items and are always subject to change as the economy
does. Deep nicks, bent blades, rusted blades, and other problems can result in additional charges. Clipper service and repair basic for Oster Andis Wahl detachable
blade clippers is $30. Large animal and Laube clippers $35 Shipping: Bruce's Sharpening, PO Box 41, Maxatawny,
PA 19538 (if mailing USPS) For FedEx and UPS use my street address instead
of the PO Box: 15868 Kutztown Road Any Questions? My email address is brucesharp1@yahoo.com best method of contack, Phone 610 683-5175 but I do not
like phone tag.
Please wrap clipper blades in foam, paper, cloth anything
to keep teeth from breaking during shipment. or use a blade box
with the lid secured and any space filled so blades stay in place. Scissors should be wrapped and points protected so they don't penetrate the package. Clippers should be wrapped in foam or bubble wrap or cloth to protect them. Type
of clipper blades sharpened: Dog and Cat, Horse and other large animals, Sheep blades, Barber and Salon A5 detachable blades
and large adjustable blades (like Andis Master, Oster Fast Feed)
Scissor Sharpening Prices 2024 Scissors & thinners . $14.00 - $15.00 (thinner) bevel edge Scissors & thinners. .$18.00
groomer convex edge Scissors . . . . . . . .
. . $15.00 stylist mid-range bevel & convex edge Scissors . . . . . . . . . . $22.00 stylist hi-end convex edge
Scissors Chunkers .$15
Sewing Scissors $9-12 Pinking Scissors $8-12 Carpet
Shears $12.00 Cuticle scissors $6.00
charges: Re-curving scissors, re-establishing inside hone line, replacing bumpers, replacing or
adding finger rings, replacing screws, replacing washers, cleaning excessive rust, correcting points not closing,
blunting dagger points.
A5 Clipper blade parts are available to Sharpeners in wholesale
quantity and pricing. Email me at brucesharp1@yahoo.com for a brochure with the current pricing.
Clipper Blade Sharpening Pricing 2024 A5, 76 Clipper blades (Andis, Oster, Wahl, Laube, off brand) $10 Wahl Arco 5:1 blades $11. Mini Arco not much metal to sharpen so it depends
on condition. Large animal Oster/Andis/Lister, etc. $12.00
and wide blades & large animal. Note: Andis
RBG 5:1 adjustable do not have enough metal on cutter to sharpen. The new Andis Wahl Arco compatible
blades are easily done however. Sheep Blades $2.50
for cutter, $5.00 for combs but badly sharpened or extra damaged blades will be higher, minimum of $7 for set.
Speedfeed blades - not done. Stylist/barber adjustable blades. t Andis Master, Oster Speed feed and
similar $12. Trimmer blades not done Note: I have replacement
A5 comb blades for damaged or worn out comb blades and cutters are available in both steel and ceramic.
Replacement steel cutters $8, Ceramic cutters $8.50, Springs/sockets $1.50, plastic blade
guides $1.00, wide cutters steel $8.50, wide ceramic cutters $12.50 Arco 5:1 blade $21.50 Mini Arco blade ($20.50) Also
available Wahl 5:1 Arco adjustable black platforms ($4.50) A5 blades (sizes #10-#50 $18.00). Email for other size including wide A5 blade prices.
Andis T-84, T-10 blades $25.00 Andis Master ML blades $19.00 Clipper blade oil 4 oz $2.50 Scissor lube
$4.00 Clipper grease $4.50 Blade wash $5.50 |  | Nail cutters . . . . . . . $5.50 Coat Rakes . . . . . . depends on # of edges generally $6-10
Kitchen Knives. . . $4.50 paring-$1.00 inch - extra large ones. Depends on size & type re-pointing, extra large
knives extra charge, badly damaged, rusted extra charges. Surgical
and Dental Instruments Often depends on condition of instrument but as a guideline:
Some typical instrument prices below (see Surgical/Dental tab for more instruments done here) Note: sicssors made
in Pakistan tend to be very low quality, best to stick with good US or German made ones. surgical scissors (Iris, Periodontal, Metzenbaum, Mayo, etc.) $15 suture scissors $15 bandage scissors $15 osteotomes)-one chisels, elevators $15 Dental scalers single/double sided $10-15 Ronguers $15-20 Curettes $8-12 depends
on type Tischler Forceps $20 spring scissors $15 Olsen Hager needle holders $15 Dental
including Elevators, Luxators, Scalers) most $15.00 Most
cutting instruments $15 if not listed above. Nail
cutting nippers Podiatrist type $18. Guillotines
no longer done as of August 2024
|  | Clipper Repair Generally blade drives are always changed. Worn blade drives can cause dragging
as the back and forth motion may not be sufficient due to drive wear or play in drive parts. Cleaning, lubing, checking
interior parts and testing are all part of the basic charge. Oster A5 . . . . . . . $30.00 basic
charge + parts includes cleaning, lubrication, checking armature, brushes, cords and switches adjusting for
max speed Andis AG, AG2, . 30.00 basic charge + parts Andis AGC models $30.00 basic
charge + parts includes cleaning, lubrication, checking armature, brushes, cords and switches Laube Lazor and Lightening, Cowboy, Mini and Micro . $35 basic charge + parts.Laube clippers are the least
friendly designs for service of all the major brands) Service includes cleaning, lubrication, diagnosing problems. Laube has a 5-year Warranty on their motors,
contact Laube if under Warranty. Wahl KM1, 2, 10 . .
. . . $30 basic charge + parts includes cleaning, lubrication, cords and switches. Some Wahl
parts are not available or serviceable. Large animal clippers (Clipmaster, Lister, Andis
HLC's etc) $35 |  | The above clipper repair prices are for the most common models used. Newer models are usually under warranty
and parts are not made available by the manufacturers for some time or may be hard to get. All the
major manufacturers run out of various parts from time to time each year as they change tooling, shut-down for inventory
and the like. I try to stock the common parts but may not have everything and will have to order. This can mean
a delay of days or weeks or months depending on availability. I will inform you if this happens. Since Oster was bought out their parts are becoming very difficutt to get in a timely way.(notice Sept 2020)
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